Injured in a rideshare accident? We’ll provide you with a talented rideshare accident lawyer to get the maximum compensation. Contact us now for a free consultation!
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Have you been in an accident involving one of the many rideshare companies operating in the country? Due to the ever-rising number of rideshare users and drivers on the roads, incidents like these are becoming more common. Recent statistical data from 2024 reports that as many as 20% of Americans use ridesharing apps to get around. As such, the demand for an experienced rideshare accident lawyer is higher than ever before.
You need to know what to do following a rideshare incident, and a rideshare accident attorney is the only person who can help. Thankfully, you’re in the right place! Pathway Injury Lawyers has an experienced team of rideshare accident lawyers ready to assist through every stage of your journey.
We understand how devastating a rideshare accident can be – as well as how confusing this situation is. You’re definitely entitled to compensation, though it’s hard to get what you deserve from insurance claims alone. Work with an expert rideshare accident lawyer to ensure you see justice and claim the maximum amount of compensation after your terrible experience.
Get in touch with us today, and we can begin your claim!
As many as one-third of rideshare drivers have had a crash on the job, which means these incidents are far more common than you think. If you’re one of the unlucky passengers involved in a rideshare accident, you need to know what to do – both in the immediate aftermath and in the coming days/weeks.
Finding a rideshare accident attorney will always be advisable, though you must follow some essential steps before getting in touch with our team. Make the wrong moves after a rideshare accident and you could unwittingly damage your chances of compensation. The points below will ensure you don’t do that:
First and foremost, make sure everyone involved in the accident is okay and moved to safety – if possible. Avoid moving people with injuries to their neck/spine or any other injury that hurts more when the person moves. Call the emergency services if necessary.
It’s also important to document injuries at the scene of an accident to help your rideshare accident attorney later down the line. Take photos of any physical injuries to prove that the incident caused them. This will help with any compensation claims!
When you’re sure everyone is okay, it’s time to collect evidence of the accident. This will involve taking lots of photos of the scene to paint a clear picture of what happened. Try to get clear photos of:
An experience rideshare accident lawyer will also advise you to collect information from all parties involved in your incident. You’ll need the contact information and insurance details from your driver, as well as the other driver(s).
If anyone else comes along and asks if you need help, then it’s worth collecting information from them, too. Witnesses will often help sway cases in your favor by corroborating your version of events. It’s always useful to get contact information from independent third parties.
Next, you will leave the scene and could contact the rideshare company to report the incident. However, it’s much better to contact a rideshare accident attorney before doing anything else. Get in touch with our team of Uber or Lyft accident experts, and we’ll guide you through the next steps.
Speaking to a rideshare accident lawyer helps you avoid making mistakes – like sharing the details on social media or making a claim through a ridesharing app. Neither are advised if you want the maximum compensation based on your situation. Talk to your lawyer and then follow their advice on how to proceed.
While making claims through your rideshare provider’s app is ill-advised, you should still report the incident to them. This lets them know an accident happens, just in case the driver tries to cover it up. It’ll also make the legal process easier for your rideshare accident attorney when making claims on your behalf, as there’s evidence of the crash taking place.
A rideshare accident lawyer can help in multiple ways to guarantee you receive compensation after a car accident. Rideshare accident lawyers handle multiple cases like yours every day, meaning they’re highly experienced in dealing with this situation. A rideshare accident is more complicated than a typical car accident involving two independent parties because there’s usually a third party involved: the rideshare company.
This complicates things, but a rideshare accident attorney is here to make the complex situation far more straightforward. Here are some of the ways your rideshare accident lawyer can help you:
Overall, a lawyer’s role is to help you get as much money as possible after a terrible incident like this. You should get in touch with one of our rideshare accident lawyers if any of these situations apply to you:
You suffered damage to your property following a rideshare accident
You must take a rideshare accident seriously – and this means you need to be careful when choosing a rideshare accident attorney.
At Pathway Law Firm, we specialize in a range of auto accidents, with a special eye on those involving rideshare companies. We know how common these accidents are nowadays and are committed to making the claims process as smooth as possible for those involved.
With that in mind, here are some of the main reasons to choose us as your rideshare accident lawyer:
If you need more evidence of why you should choose us as your rideshare accident lawyer, then check out our Google Reviews. We have over 220 ratings from different clients, with a 4.8-star average rating. Our past and present clients speak for us, so you can feel 100% confident that you’re picking the right law firm.
A rideshare accident can cause a diversity of injuries to those involved. Each case is different – and some injuries are more severe than others – but some of the most common include:
As an experienced rideshare accident lawyer, we’ve seen countless cases involving head and neck injuries. The latter is the most common: it’s reported that over 800,000 cases of vehicle crashes involve neck injuries in the US every year. Whiplash is the most common type of neck injury, which happens when the neck is moved backward and forward with excessive force. It’s a very painful injury that can affect the muscles, discs, nerves, and tendons in your neck region.
Signs that you’re experiencing whiplash following a rideshare accident involve:
Other head & neck injuries can occur as well, including mild to severe neck strain. Concussions can be extremely common following rideshare accidents, particularly if your head hits something during the crash – like the window or the seat in front of you.
A concussion can be very serious and lead to long-term brain problems, so it must be treated ASAP. Look for the signs of a concussion following your crash, such as:
You may also experience open head wounds that need to be stitched up, though they’re often not as severe as closed head wounds like a concussion. Make sure you get treatment for any head or neck injuries as soon as possible following the crash.
Research from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) claims that car crashes cause 29.9% of all spinal traumatic injuries.
That’s a staggering statistic, and spinal cord injuries are amongst the most devastating. Damage to your spinal cord could cause paralysis and lead to a permanent disability. This completely changes your life, and a rideshare accident lawyer will ensure you get enough compensation to cover the costs of treatment, rehabilitation, changes to living environments, and much more.
It is typically easy to identify a spinal cord injury due to some common symptoms:
Needless to say, spinal cord injuries are serious and should be treated by a professional ASAP. You will require immediate medical attention if this happens to you during your rideshare accident.
On the other hand, back injuries are also common and less severe. They’re normally characterized by pain in your back or spine and will likely involve muscle strains slipped discs, or trapped nerves.
Back injuries may heal with time, though you should still seek medical attention to diagnose the problem. There’s usually no cause for alarm unless you start experiencing the symptoms of a spinal cord injury.
Broken bones and fractures vary greatly in their severity. A mild arm fracture is nothing compared to a cranium or vertebrae fracture. Nevertheless, even small fractures can put you out of work following an accident. That’s why you need a rideshare accident attorney to help claim enough compensation to cover the cost of not working until you recover.
How much money can you gain when working with a rideshare accident lawyer? This depends on your situation, though you will be entitled to compensation that covers any of the following:
Rideshare accidents can cause tens of thousands of dollars in medical expenses and bills. This includes:
It all adds up, which is why a seasoned rideshare accident lawyer will come in handy. Our team will help you claim all the compensation you need to cover all of your medical expenses. It’s not your fault you got into a rideshare accident, so why should you have to pay? Most rideshare insurance policies cover medical expenses up to a certain amount. Unfortunately, it’s normally nowhere near enough for the average person – particularly if you need long-term medical treatment for an injury.
Most rideshare accidents involve at least one other vehicle. If you’re in the other vehicle, then you can claim property damage compensation following the incident. This will cover the cost of repairs to your vehicle or help you purchase a new vehicle if the insurance provider has written yours off.
Moreover, you may be entitled to compensation if the rideshare accident caused any other type of property damage. For example, an Uber or Lyft driver crashes into your wall or small business. You can work with a rideshare accident attorney to gain compensation that pays for repairs to your property.
Being involved in a rideshare car accident can leave you out of work for a significant period. Even if you experience minor injuries, they could make it difficult for you to work – especially if you do a manual labor job. You could spend weeks or months without full pay, and this is in minor cases.
More severe instances could leave you with an inability to work for well over a year – or ever again. A rideshare accident attorney will fight your case and help you win compensation to live comfortably despite being unable to work.
It’s also possible for a rideshare accident attorney to claim compensation for pain and emotional suffering. You’ve had to deal with a lot of physical pain, so you deserve to be compensated for that. More importantly, the emotional suffering that comes from an auto accident can be life-altering.
You might experience PTSD, anxiety, or depression after an accident. It could be so much that it prevents you from driving or getting in a car ever again. It’s a significant change to your life, so you can get compensation for it.
Speaking of significant life changes, a severe rideshare accident might leave you with a permanent disability. This impacts your ability to do everyday tasks and can result in a lot of money being spent to help you deal with your disability.
Your Pathway Law Firm rideshare accident attorney will work tirelessly on your successful compensation claim. They’ll conduct research and calculate the costs of living with your disability to make sure you receive as much money as you’re entitled to. This money can pay for disability equipment at home, rehabilitation, carer costs, and so much more.
If you’re looking for an esteemed rideshare accident attorney, then get in touch with us today. Click here to schedule a FREE consultation and speak to one of our lawyers. We’ll discuss your case and work on a way to claim maximum compensation!
Our lines are open 24/7/365 to ensure we’re always there for you. Don’t waste time following a rideshare accident; act now to get the outcome you deserve.
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